
  • Social Media
  • Human Rights
  • Activism

You Cannot Change The World On Twitter: Weighing The Social Platform Against The Promise To Enhance Discourse And Demonstrations

Article by Joshua Kingdom


This paper concerns itself with the contentious debate surrounding Twitter's role in shaping discourse and demonstrations. Is it a powerful tool for social change, or a mere façade that masks its limitations? The paper examines the platform's rhetoric, its impact on governance, and the real-world consequences of its policies. From the Arab Spring to the Black Lives Matter movement, Twitter has been at the centre of major social upheavals. Yet, its effectiveness in achieving lasting change remains a subject of intense scrutiny. Is it time to re-evaluate Twitter's potential, or should we abandon the illusion that online activism can truly transform the world? Whether Twitter is genuine about this venture or not is difficult to deduce, what the facts show however, is that either someone at the company has discovered a route perfect to do marketing or the intended project has failed miserably.

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