
  • International Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • Women's Rights

The Crime Of Forced Sterilization: Towards Unveiling The Effects On Victims In International Law

Article by Nwaogu Dandy Chidiebere


Forced sterilization of targeted group of women across the international community is considered a grave violation of fundamental human rights and medical ethics, it can be described as acts of torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment. Extant international and domestic instruments contain clear provisions prohibiting the practice of forced or involuntary sterilization of women under any guise whatsoever. Despite existing laws, there is still the continuing sterilization of individual women and girls without their free and full consent in most countries. The paper aims at examining the nature, incidences, and effects of forced sterilization across the international community. The paper urges national governments across the international community to strictly put measures in place to implement extant international, regional, and national laws on sterilization within their jurisdiction as a way of curbing further cases of forced sterilization as well as giving adequate compensations to identified victims of forced sterilization.

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